MSA’s quality management system is certified to ISO9001:2015 by GCERTI. MSA decided to formalize their quality management system and partner with AntsCorp to implement ISO standards. With AntsCorp help, MSA has strengthened processes, enhanced quality control, increased stakeholder communication, and formalized their method of documentation and implementation of corrective actions.
“Since 1990, we have focused on quality over quantity with a deep desire to find ways to do more with less. As a small business it’s important to be resourceful while focusing on providing excellent customer service. By investing in ISO 9001 certification, we are able to efficiently fortify our high standards in order to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.” – Lilly Harris, President and CEO
MSA will continue to integrate the ISO 9001:2015 standards into everything they do. They will also adhere to annual third party surveillance audits and a recertification audit in 2022.
More about ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015 is a quality management system standard that was developed by the International Organization for Standardization, which is an association of governmental and nongovernmental organizations from many countries. The ISO 9001:2015 standard is utilized to certify quality management systems that focus on continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and the active involvement of both leadership and associates in a process-based approach.
ISO Certification is valid through May 1, 2022.